Saturday, April 14, 2012

American Imperialism

This cartoon represents American Imperialism and directly shows how the United States benefited from Imperialism. Within the cartoon, you see that the 5 men on top, represent the United States and how we were living before we accepted imperialism. The 5 men on the bottom show the United States after we accepted Imperialism and it portrays how much better our country became because of Imperialism.

The United States became an Imperialistic country in the last part of the 1800's because of desire for more power and authority. Not only that, but the economy also played a big part in why the United States became an imperialistic country. During the late 1800's the U.S. became known as the the world's industrial producer. With America's economy in good shape and gaining so much benefits, the support of imperialism grew and the United States soon became an Imperialistic nation.

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