Thursday, May 3, 2012

Summarize Move/Solider Post

In Saving Private Ryan, you can basically summarize it by saying that men fought against many Germans and lost their lives trying to save one man who had orders to be sent home due to the deaths of his three brothers. It ended up that once they got to private Ryan, they already had many men dead just from the travels and struggles it took to get there. Private Ryan did not want to go home because of the fact that he did not want to abandon his men and he believed that every single one of his buddies deserved to go home with him. In conclusion, Private Ryan, his team, and the team sent to retrieve him ended up staying and fighting on the bridge against the Germans. In the end, the war was over and the captain and most of his team died, but Private Ryan and a few of the team made it back home safely.

A. The day in the life of a solider back then would be fighting against Germans and seeing your buddies be killed or injured. You would travel a lot by foot and you usually wouldn't make it throughout a few days of the war unless you were lucky or you had good skills. You would be fighting against more advanced equipment and more men than your own team. You would be scared and have a huge chance of getting injured and dying.

B. The character that I liked most within Saving Private Ryan, would have to be the sniper; Private Jackson. He was brave and very accurate in his sniping. When he went to snipe men, he would quote scriptures from the bible as he took the shot. I think this showed that he was a man of faith and that he trusted in God to help him get through the war and to help him get good accuracy. He was a fighter and always did what he was told by his Captain. Sadly, Jackson was blown up within the tower during the fight on the bridge.

C. In the war, I would have not been like the man who was afraid and just hid behind walls because he was scared. I would have been most like Private Jackson! I would have stood my ground and fought with dignity and with my faith. I would have killed as many Germans as I could have and I would have been by my buddies sides, having their back no matter what. Within the movie the man who was afraid to fight could have saved two of his men from a German that was fighting with them and wrestling them to kill them. I would have immediately gone up the stairs and shot this German instead of hiding like a little pandsy. I would have murdered this German and saved my two men from death. In the war, I would have just prayed that I made it through and hoped for the best. I would have been scared but If I didn't have a choice, I would just try to get through day to day alive, and try to do what was assigned to do best.

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